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39 Bazi Analysis Checklist to Read a Bazi with Ease

39 Bazi Analysis Checklist to Read a Bazi with Ease

Easy To Follow 39 Bazi Analysis Checklist

Easy to follow 39 Bazi Analysis Checklist instruction guide for newbies and beginners to plot and analyse a Bazi Chart with ease.

During my Bazi learning journey, it’s hard to remember all the necessary steps to plot my Bazi chart analyse (iPhone and Android phone wasn’t invented yet). I wrote all important tips into pocket size cards to carry with me as reference. It’s a hard learning journey.

Now as a Bazi trainer, I can understand what most students are facing now. Most have difficulties to remember Bazi plotting and analyse in their learning process especially with traditional learning method like remembering ancient Chinese poem.

It’s 2020 and we are in the knowledge world now. I believe in new wave teaching methods. Learning Chinese Metaphysics can be easy and fun for both Chinese and non-Chinese Speaking if someone can simplify the whole learning process. Instead of taking months or years to remember a poem formula, would it be great if one can learn some formula in 20 minutes or 30 seconds.

If Knowledge is Power, then Simplicity is Wisdom.

I still respect the ancient Chinese Metaphysics theory but it would be good if we can simplify the theory for easy to learn and share.

In September 2019, I begin creating my Simplified Bazi Foundation Course and Simplified Feng Shui Foundation Course in March 2020. I changed my teaching methods on every intakes to make changes in learning “easy and fun” without losing the old theory and practical from ancient book.

And with modern technology today, mobile apps or software for Bazi charting is easily available in seconds. Many newbies fall into the trap of depending too much on apps or software to extract and analyse the Bazi chart information without understanding the hidden interpretation of the charting. Some newbies will be staring at the apps without words while some can identify more than the 5 elements.

Bazi Apps

To make learning fun and analysis easy, this 39 Bazi Analysis Checklist with easy to follow instruction was created for my students to use in Bazi Analysis.

39 Bazi Analysis Checklist

Make sure you get a copy for your next Bazi Analysis Job.

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